
How to Make Apricot Juice

November 13, 2022
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Apricots are delicious table fruit that offers us many preparation options to enjoy their flavors throughout the year. From making compotes, jams, and marmalade to brandy and juices. Apricots are welcome in any form, not only for their taste but also for their nutritional richness. Nevertheless, apricot juice stands out as a practical way of bringing in all the benefits of this fruit with an aromatic sweet-sour taste.

Apricot Juice

In the following, we bring you a classic recipe for apricot juice, which, along with our recommendations, opens up space and your creativity. We will also offer you recipes for apricot juice without preservatives in combination with orange and an interesting substitute for sweetening the juice with the usual white or brown sugar. If you are not in the mood for long cooking (although sterilization and pasteurization processes are still necessary for preservation!), we bring you a recipe for refreshing juice from dried apricots from the Middle East.

Of course, with the recommendation that when shopping, always check whether the apricots are ripe enough, as this will affect the taste of the juice. In addition, you will learn something about its characteristics, we will try to convince you of the ease of its cultivation and all the medicinal and nutritional benefits it provides us.

Apricot is spread all over the world and we distinguish about 350 cultivated varieties. They are most often harvested in the period from June to the end of July, depending on the type, which is divided into early varieties, mid-early varieties, mid-late varieties, and late varieties. Apricot readiness for picking can be recognized by the fact that it easily separates from the branch and is soft to the touch. Fully ripe apricots are best suited for processing because of their pronounced sweetness.


When buying apricots, care should be taken that they are not unripe, because the usual time for picking apricots intended for transport is a week before maturity. Immaturity will definitely affect the taste of apricot juice.

This recipe will emphasize the sweet note of apricots, and if you use your own apricots, you will also enjoy all the nutrients that are hidden in them! You will get 2 liters of juice from this recipe.

Apricot Juice

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By queensrecipes
Prep Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 20 minutes


  • 1 kg of apricots
  • 1 liter of water
  • 200 g of sugar
  • 1 spoon of citric acid
  • on top of a teaspoon of preservative



Wash and clean the apricots. In case you use store-bought ones, we recommend removing the skin.


Cut them and mix them into a mash


Mix water and sugar in a saucepan and cook until boiling


When it boils, add the resulting apricot pulp


Cook everything together for 10 minutes on medium heat


Towards the end of cooking, add citric acid and preservative and mix well


Pour the hot juice into previously sterilized bottles and cool to room temperature

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